Ahhh… My lack of tonsils.

So it is day 2 of my tonsil-less adventure. Because my throat hurts so bad I can barely talk, my Fibro isn’t even getting in the way. Found out I’m allergic to not only Bactrum, but codeine, and… liquid Hydrocone, which just so happens to be my pain med for this surgery. My reaction? A chicken-pock-like itch that makes me want to scratch through my chest. Oh, it’s fantastic! The best part… the doctor said the only other medicine I can take is extra-strength Tylenol. I’m sorry, did you just have two chunks of meat lasered off? No? Ok, then let’s talk some more serious meds because if Vicodin isn’t doing it, what the hell is Tylenol gonna do. Oh I’m sorry “extra strength” Tylenol.